the end of Rapid Interpretation of EKG's there is a section
containing a step-by-step, reference summary for EKG interpretation,
including important EKG examples. The section, called the "Personal
Quick Reference Sheets" is updated with each printing (updated May, 2007).
This entire reference summary is provided here on this web page
for you to print out or to download as a PDF file. It is free
for you to use, place in a personal file, or carry with you. The
personal reference sheets are protected by US copyright; sale of
these sheets is a copyright infringement and will be aggressively
14 page summary of EKG interpretation will print out in black and
white or in beautiful, full-color pages depending on your printer.
If you lack the Adobe Acrobat program that allows you to view and
print the file, you can acquire this program free (see below).
file here > Reference_Sheets.pdf
Adobe Acrobat here >